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      Over the past 4 decades, I have seen an explosion of interest in complementary medicine and alternative health.  This has led to families desiring a deeper understanding of how the body functions and how energy flows through it.  There has also been an awareness of subtle energies and an intuitive awakening of self and its connection to God's creations.  This is not meant to discount or discredit your own spiritual beliefs but to support you in your beliefs.  While orthodox medicine describes our physical system in terms of chemistry and physics, it is now understood and proven with technology that for any chemical action to take place a change in the body's electromagnetic energy does occur.  This energy comes from the Brain (mind, nervous system) and explains the importance of the mind-body link to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

      In the coming weeks, I invite you on a spiritual journey of self-discovery by looking upon your amazing be-ing as a living entity that if given all the support it needs to co-exist on this earth, with all the elements, you can find peace in all your endeavors.

      The Complete System Healing consists of 9 booklets and videos that DR. HAMILTON presents to help its readers live in harmony: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Energetically within their environment. They cover all the body systems and natural modalities, to aid in supporting those systems. 

     The purpose of presenting the information presented in these booklets is for educational purposes only.  This information is not intended as medical advice or for use as a diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.  Neither the publisher nor author directly or indirectly dispenses medical advice, nor do they prescribe remedies or assume responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves.  

The order in which the classes should be taken are:

Energy System and Brain

Endocrine System

Circulatory and Lymphatic System

Skeletal System and Skin

Muscular System and Nervous System (NMR)

Respiratory System

Digestive System

Kinesiology Booklet is free with the completion of the course.

Emotional Release Finding Harmony​

Each book may be purchased separately for $175.00 but if you need clarification or instruction you must set up an appointment and pay the cost of $70 dollars an hour. The video will not be included.  When you purchase the book IT WILL BE SENT TO YOU IN A PDF format and video for $200. THE VIDEO WILL BE A LINK I SEND TO YOU. THE LINK WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE 6 WEEKS FROM THE DAY YOU RECEIVE IT.  You have access to Dr. Grogan for 30 days for questions on the material. 

 I really want to thank you for creating the Whole Sum Courage essential oil. I woke up Thursday morning with a sore throat and had a job for that day, I put the Whole Sum Courage oil on my neck and before I walked out the door the sore throat was gone, So thank you, thank you. You are an angel!                 Kathy Merrel

The Healthy Way 

10514 Airpark Loop

Melba, ID 83641



© 2015 The Healthy Way LLC  All Rights Reserved


The information on this website is for educational purposes only. This information is not intended as medical advice or for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional. Neither the publisher or author directly or indirectly dispenses medical advice, nor do they prescribe remedies or assume responsibility for those who chooes to treat themselves. 

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