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This 84-page Booklet AND VIDEO are part of the Complete Healing System program. While going through each booklet in the course you will have access to Dr. Hamilton for questions  30 days with each booklet. Have fun in empowering the amazing you. These booklets are not to be duplicated or copied in any way. EACH BOOKLET WILL BE SENT TO YOU IN A PDF FORMAT. Thank you and enjoy your learning journey. There are no returnsTHIS BOOKLET IS FREE IF YOU TAKE THE WHOLE COURSE.

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  • Table of Contents


    How does the brain process emotion?. ...............5

    Limbic System…….6

    Rival Networks........................ 9

    How Does The Brain Process Emotions?........................11

    Who Am I?..................15

    Who Am I? Poem by Melissa Grogan………….16

    What is life?........................................... 18

    Life is a Characteristic…………………………………...19

    Color Therapy - Chromotherapy......................................... 21

    How Colors Affect Us. .............................21

    Color Chart. .......................................22

    How can you use this information? (Answer)........................... 38

    Is it Time?.......................................................................39

    Emotional/Attitude Cause of problems.....................................................................................40

    Energy Center.................................................................................45

    Emotional Charts..............46

    Emotional Release Techniques........48

    The 38's Bach flower essences and their descriptions.... 57-111

    Stones for Emotional Healing…………………..113

    Essential oils.........................................................................123

    Beginners Guide to Mindfulness..........................................134

    Releasing Allergies..................................................142

    Authors Comments:............................................132



 I really want to thank you for creating the Whole Sum Courage essential oil. I woke up Thursday morning with a sore throat and had a job for that day, I put the Whole Sum Courage oil on my neck and before I walked out the door the sore throat was gone, So thank you, thank you. You are an angel!                 Kathy Merrel

The Healthy Way 

10514 Airpark Loop

Melba, ID 83641



© 2015 The Healthy Way LLC  All Rights Reserved


The information on this website is for educational purposes only. This information is not intended as medical advice or for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional. Neither the publisher or author directly or indirectly dispenses medical advice, nor do they prescribe remedies or assume responsibility for those who chooes to treat themselves. 

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