This 132-page Booklet AND Video are part of the Complete Healing System program. While going through each booklet in the course you will have access to Dr. Hamilton through text for 30 days with each booklet for questions. EACH BOOKLET WILL BE SENT TO YOU IN A PDF FORMAT. Have fun empowering the amazing you. These booklets are not to be duplicated or copied in any way. Thank you and have Fun. There are no returns.
Respiratory System and Urinary
Respiratory System: Our Avenue for Gas Exchange
System 11 Surprising Facts About the Respiratory System
The lungs are the only organs that can float on water.
Sneeze particles may not travel as fast as people think.
The common cold can be caused by hundreds of different viruses.
The lungs and windpipe were important symbols in ancient Egypt.
Elephants have a unique respiratory structure.
Chest movement during breathing is not the result of air movement.
Asthma was once treated with psychotherapy.
Horses only breathe through their noses.
Pulmonary circulation was first described in the 13th century.
Parts of the respiratory system
Breathing Rate
Respiratory System Diseases
Types of Breathing Problems
Natural Point of view
Urinary System
Kidney and urinary system parts and their functions
Facts about urine
Natural Point of View
What is acupressure?
Saliva PH and Emotions
The history of Bach flowers
The production of Bach flower essences
The 38's Bach flower essences and their descriptions
ADD / ADHD and Ritalin
Bach Flower - Agrimony (Agrimonia Eupatoria)
Bach Flower - Aspen (Populus Tremula)
Bach Flower - Beech (Fagus Sylvatica)
Bach Flower - Centaury (Centaurium Umbellatum)
Bach Flower - Cerato (Ceratostigma Willmottiana)
Bach Flower - Cherry Plum (Prunus Cerasifera)
Bach Flower - Chestnut Bud (Aesculus Hippocastanum)
Bach Flower - Chicory (Cichorium Intybus)
Bach Flower - Clematis (Clematis Vitalba)
Bach Flower - Crab Apple (Malus Pumila)
Bach Flower - ELM (Ulmus Procera)
Bach Flower - Gentian (Gentiana Amarella)
Bach Flower - Gorse (Ulex Europaeus)
Bach Flower - Heather (Calluna Vulgaris)
Bach Flower - Holly (Ilex Aquifolium)
Bach Flower - Honeysuckle (Lonicera Caprifolium)
Bach Flower - Hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus)
Bach Flower - Impatiens (Impatiens Glandulifera)
Bach Flower - Larch (Larix Decidua)
Bach Flower - Mimulus (Mimulus Guttatus)
Bach Flower - Mustard (Sinapis Arvensis)
Bach Flower - Oak (Quercus Robur)
Bach Flower - Olive (Olea Europaea)
Bach Flower - Pine (Pinus Sylvestris)
Bach Flower - Red Chestnut (Aesculus Carnea)
Bach Flower - Rock Rose (Helianthemum Nummularium)
Bach Flower - Rock Water (Aqua Petra)
Bach Flower - Scleranthus (Scleranthus Annuus)
Bach Flower - Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum Umbellatum)
Bach Flower - Sweet Chestnut (Castanea Sativa)
Bach Flower - Vervain (Verbena Officinalis)
Bach Flower - Vine (Vitis Vinifera)
Bach Flower - Walnut (Juglans Regia)
Bach Flower - Water Violet (Hottonia Palustris)
Bach Flower - White Chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum)
Bach Flower - Wild Oat (Bromus Ramosus)
Bach Flower - Wild Rose (Rosa Canina)
Bach Flower - Willow (Salix Vitellina)
What determines metabolic rate?
Why you should not drink soda
Fructose Turns into Fat Far Faster than Other Sugars, and Fats
What Else is in Soda?
Health Effects of Soda Consumption
One of the Simplest Ways to Radically Improve Your Health 127
Honey and Cinnamon
Want to lose belly fat in 1 week? Drink cinnamon and honey tea 4 times a day for quick weight loss
How to make cinnamon and honey tea for weight loss
When to consume cinnamon and honey for optimal fat loss
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