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In this time of transition, inspired assurance from our Heavenly Creator can and will bestow on us all, uplifting encouragement, peace, and direction in life's path. We can all find peace and joy in the storm when we choose to remember that God loves us.
This earth is our schoolhouse and love and gratitude are our tools.
Verlene and I would like to share with you some inspirational thoughts that have come to us and others. It is our hope and prayer that you will receive the words written here, with love and gratitude. Our desire is to serve you all and to help you stay grounded and aligned with Our Heavenly Father.
Verlene has been serving you in the background for over 40 years as a confidant and friend. She has been an adviser and witness to all the happenings in my life and The Healthy Way.
We love you all very much. We have felt a need to make a place you could come to when you are stressed, in pain, or troubled. A place to spiritually align and ground yourself with the WORD. So that you will be inspired to receive your own inspiration from your God.
It is our sincere desire that you may walk the path of life in love and gratitude finding the peace you so richly deserve.
Verlene and Brenda
The world culminating in fear has largely lost contact with the divine self. The divine self is your
inner life force, your true motivation for living. The divine self is what powers you and makes you wonder. It is the
soul light. It is the total of all the intelligence (the energy that powers your cells and your spirit). When you
add the mental you and the emotional you, it creates your be-ing. That is why it is so important to maintain a
balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Through prayer and meditation, you can tap into the
divine self to gain the answers to balance and peace. Prayer and meditation need not be a long and arduous
process. It can come with just 5 minutes, that is quiet, giving thanks for your blessings, and asking for the
divine self to reveal to you, how you can become an instrument of peace in God's hands. There is a famous
Prayer from Saint Francis, the opening line is Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace: where there is hatred,
let me sow love.
This time on earth is a school where each of us can observe and learn from our own experiences as well as by
watching others. There is peace that comes to each of us when we submit our will to God and the universe. That
balance brings peace to the soul even in a storm. This balance is a power that will build trust with others as they
observe your work. That peace is the power of the soul. When you have that peace it brings to the heart an
overwhelming feeling of gratitude to God, the angels, and the universe. Most of all, when you seek peace it
ultimately adds another blessing to your soul, That blessing is The Love of God, our Eternal Heavenly Father.
There once lived a king who announced to prize the artist who would paint the best painting depicting peace.
Many great painters sent the king several of their best art pieces. One of the pictures among the various masterpieces
was of a calm lake perfectly mirroring peacefully towering snow-capped mountains. Overheard was a blue clear sky
with fluffy clouds. The picture was perfect. Most of the people who viewed the pictures of peace from various
artists thought that it was the best among all.
But when the king announced the winner, everyone was shocked. The picture that won the prize had a mountain too,
but it was rugged and bare. The sky looked very angry, and there was lightning. This did not look peaceful at all. It
looked like the artist had mistakenly submitted his painting depicting a storm rather than peace. But if anyone looked
closely at the painting, they could see a tiny bush growing in the cracks in the rock. In the bush, a mother bird had built
her nest. Amid the rush of angry weather, the bird sat on her nest, with peace.
Peace does not mean being in a place where there is no noise or trouble. Peace means to be in the midst of all the
chaos and still be calm in the heart. Real peace is the state of mind, not the state of your surroundings. The mother
bird at calm, despite her chaotic surroundings indeed was the best representation of PEACE.
Peace comes in having a relationship with your heavenly Father so you can access that line of communication at any given time and place.
If you are just learning to do that, remember to listen for the yes or no before you ask for a paragraph. The more you do it the better you get
at it. Be specific in your questions, that is important. As each man, woman, and child nurtures and spreads peace in their lives this peace
will spread to others throughout the world
We love you
The Art of Communication
If humanity would learn this principle and apply it, peace would unfold for all creation.
How does God communicate with us? Often time he used parables in the scriptures and the written word. Parables are simple stories used to illustrate a spiritual lesson. There are many throughout the scriptures, 3 of our favorites are, The Grain of Mustard Seed, The Pearl of Great Value, and The Good Samaritan. Parables are thought-provoking and can be of great value in your everyday life experiences.
God also continues to communicate with us through our prayers and meditations. He does so through our thoughts and emotional feelings.
Then you must ask yourself, how can I apply those examples in my communication with friends, family, and others as I travel life’s journey?
People communicate with each other in many ways (verbal, body language, written, music, colors, symbols, and technology).
Verbal communication happens orally between people. The object is to ensure that people understand what is being conveyed or said. Because of its very nature, verbal communications are quicker and more precise than email communication. In the era of messaging via WhatsApp, Email, Facebook, Instagram, etc., people still prefer personal meetings or phone calls (or face-to-face Skype calls) because they are effective and much more convenient and revealing in conveying the message.
Another thing to consider is how you make people feel with your body language or your appearance (this must be considered in communication within a work or professional atmosphere). Examples of body language that will have a negative effect on people are folding your arms when speaking or listening. This means you are not open to communicating or receiving others’ ideas. Looking at your watch tells people you don’t have time for them. Gazing out in the distance says, not interested in what is being said.
So, we ask the question again, how can I apply what God and Christ have taught?
Be mindful of how you would have others communicate with you and treat them accordingly. Be calm, and steady, and speak in a moderate tone and volume. Our communications are reflected in our countenance. Therefore, we must be careful not only what we communicate, but also how we do so. People can be strengthened or shattered by the message and the way we communicate.
Perhaps the more common un-Christlike communications are those of lying, blaming, criticizing, and anger.
Lying is to be untruthful, deceptive, deceitful, and dishonest.
Integrity is the core of our character. Without integrity, we have a weak foundation, of trust.
Blaming. When we attempt to place responsibility for our choices on others, we are responding in a less-than-Christlike manner.
Criticizing can be feedback given to help another person grow and develop.
Negative criticism is intended to hurt and often to defame and destroy. This caustic communication is cruel, and it tends to crush the character of all of those about whom it is directed.
Anger. Anger shows a lack of self-control and an inability to relate righteously to others. It is a senseless substitute for self-control. It is sometimes used as a selfish strategy to gain control of a relationship. We are instructed to “Let all bitterness, … and anger, … and evil speaking, be put away.” (Eph. 4:31.)
The Apostle Paul cautioned the Ephesian people “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good.” (Eph. 4:29.) He further counseled to be “kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” (Eph. 4:32.)
So, we finally ask the question again, how can I apply what God and Christ have taught?
Communicate with each other in a manner the Savior would communicate. Christ-like communications are expressed in tones of love rather than loudness. They are intended to be helpful rather than hurtful. They tend to bind us together rather than drive us apart. They tend to build rather than belittle.
Christlike communications are expressions of affection and not anger, truth and not a fabrication, compassion and not contention, respect and not ridicule, counsel and not criticism, correction, and not condemnation. They are spoken with clarity and not with confusion. They may be tender, or they may be tough, but they must always be tempered.
The real challenge that we face in our communications with others is to condition our hearts to have Christ-like feelings for all of God the Eternal Heavenly Father's children. When we develop this concern for the condition of others, we then will communicate with them as the Savior would. We will then warm the hearts of those who may be suffering in silence. As we meet people with special needs (We all have special needs from time to time) along life’s way, we can then make their journey brighter by the things that we say.
If you’re negatively communicating with yourself, you are probably communicating with others the same way.
If you love, honor, respect yourself, and have gratitude for YOU. You will for others